A Fair Way Mediation Center Announces Expansion to Coachella Valley
Couples who are contemplating divorce or are already in the process of making one of the biggest decisions in their life now have the option of working out the details at A Fair Way Mediation Center in a new location.
A Fair Way Mediation Center has been located for nearly two decades near the downtown courthouse in San Diego. Currently maintaining the San Diego location, the successful organization is opening a second base of operation in Rancho Mirage. Richard Gordon, B.A., M.A., J.D., will continue to be the principal mediator at both locations.
According to Gordon, A Fair Way is all about making the divorce process easier for clients. “Divorcing is difficult enough without worry about transportation, scheduling around kid’s school and activities and work commitments. With the current climate, most of our clients are using our video chat services such as Zoom, FaceTime and Skype. Except in rare cases, no one needs to come into the office to work out a satisfactory Marital Settlement Agreement.”
Richard Gordon adds “many of our clients are deployed in the military or already living elsewhere. Our goal is to make communication easier on all levels.”
“At A Fair Way we help people ‘break up nicely,’ “he says. “We act as the fulcrum on the teeter tauter of emotions that so often accompany divorce.”
Gordon says staying out of court is only one of the many benefits of mediation, not the least of which is that it is less expensive than traditional divorce with each side hiring an adversarial attorney. Mediation takes child custody issues seriously and protects families from dissention and strife. All couples are welcome, whether traditional or same sex.
To find out more about the complimentary session (30 minutes for each party), call Rich Gordon directly at 619-702-9174 or visit www.afairway.com. Follow on Facebook/AFairWayMediate and LinkedIn.com/afairwaymediationcenter A clear explanation of fees is available at http://www.afairway.com/index.php/how-much-will-it-cost.
About A Fair Way Mediation Center
A Fair Way Mediation Center offers a relaxed, compassionate atmosphere in an informal setting that encourages a calm and objective approach. This is a safe space that avoids the stress and embarrassment that courtroom procedures can inject into any divorce or separation. All couples are welcome, whether traditional or same sex families. Our Principal Mediator is Richard Gordon, B.A., M.A. & J.D. An experienced Mediator, Mr. Gordon has worked in all facets of alternate dispute resolution (ADR), with both individuals and organizations. He brings a friendly approach that is conducive to cooperation. We offer a complete slate of mediation services, including Adoption, Civil, Commercial, Divorce (parenting), Employment, Family (other), General Mediation, Landlord-Tenant, Land Use, Probate, Religious/Church, Torts, and Workplace, as well as additional professional services such as Arbitration, Child Custody, Communication Skills Training, Consensus Building, Counselling Services, Divorce Seminars, Fact Finding, and Prenuptial Agreements, amon